Bloomberg TV

Monday, July 04, 2005

Profile#1: Guy "I Don't Need a Steenkin' Suit" Collins

For some reason, the "stocks guy" on financial news programs usually gets a special dispensation to do away with a business suit, and Guy Collins always appears in a long-sleeved shirt and tie. In any case, I don't follow European stocks that much, if at all. For me, the performance of European markets reflects that of the US market the day before instead of presaging same-day US market movements. From what I can gather, though, this Guy is quick to pick up on stocks and sectors on the move. His delivery is not state-of-the-art for he sometimes appears more focused on his Bloomberg monitor than in relaying information to a TV audience. Nonetheless, he's quite intelligible. Although he's not as polished as the hosts he plays opposite (or perhaps because), he makes an admirable foil--especially when interviewing guests. If anything, Guy Collins poses excellent questions.

Fearless Viewer's Grade: A-/B+

Posted by Emmanuel |

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