Bloomberg TV

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fleckenstein Kicks Greenspan Booty

Now that's more like it! Suzy Assaad is currently interviewing Bill Fleckenstein, who thinks core inflation is a misnomer for there's nothing more core than food and energy. Thus, inflation for him is often understated. Plus, he opines that Alan Greenspan isn't doing anywhere near a good job. Housing, stocks, and bonds are far from promising. For him, basic investments hold little favor. Go for currencies and commodities especially if you're familiar with them. Cool! Like the inimitable Jim Rogers, the iconoclastic Bill Fleckenstein tells it like it is, warts and all. He's not beholden to big business, the government, or anyone else who makes him toe the party line; he goes his own way.

Traditional portfolios are typically proposed as a tradeoff between stocks and bonds. However, in this day and age when stocks drop because of corporations' limited investment opportunities while bonds are likewise unattractive due to geopolitical shenanigans, there must be somewhere else to go. Likely, that isn't hedge funds, which frequently charge fees incommensurate with their returns (sorry, Bill). Study on your own and make your own decisions. Only you can set you free.

Posted by Emmanuel |

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